Our Story


Ramsie was founded in 2018 as an antidote to the ocean of synthetic apparel that floods the golf industry season after season.

We wanted to provide golfers with a well fitting golf shirt made from natural fibres, that looked stylish both on and off the course and was able to manage temperature, moisture and odours.

After extensive research and testing in climates as diverse as the scorching Sydney summer, the blustery trade winds of Fiji, and the chilly Canberra winter, the Ramsie Golf Shirt was born.

The decision to use Merino wool, nature’s unrivalled performance fibre, was obvious. After all, sheep have survived in hostile climates for thousands of years and Australia conveniently happens to be the world’s biggest producer of Merino wool, supplying 80% of the Merino wool used for apparel.

With Merino wool firmly established as our core fibre, our focus is set on providing golfers with comfortable, tailored shirts packed with natural technology whilst also honouring and respecting the environment by maximising the use of natural, sustainable materials, producing limited edition runs of shirts to reduce wastage, and minimising our carbon footprint by prioritising locally sourced fabrics and manufacturers.

We’re a small company with traditional values and modern ideas, dedicated to perfecting one product at a time. In golfing terms we’ve only just teed off on the first so there’s a long way to go and many shots to be played.

But just like a good round of golf, we’re here to enjoy the journey and we invite you to join us.